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Graphic Design



Professor: Beatriz Hernández-Canut Lafuente, Founder of Plan B Works


Date of Execution: October-December 2017 (Term 1)

The aim of this assignment was, using only typography and color, to create a layout of the central verses of a song, establishing a visual rhythm based on the arrangement and different levels of importance of the elements depicted. The use of color was a strategic decision matching the tone of voice (optimistic), as well as the content of the song – it refers to Madrid, hence the main colors used were those of the Spanish flag together with a complementary one.

The poster is comprised of two parts: main artwork and information about the movie: actors, movie title, a quote related to the image depicted, release and copyright. The inspiration comes from the movie posters typically available to purchase on movie theaters. The final work was envisioned printed on glossy paper, so the dark colors would add more to the shiny effect. The artwork is a screenshot from the movie edited first in Photoshop (application of an artistic “Cutout” filter), and then traced in Illustrator to convert it into a vector image. The typography choice included two different fonts: a display font, Shangri LaNF, and a Sans Serif font, Tecnico. Stretching, playing with the leading, the baseline shift, the horizontal and the vertical scale was key in order to create a sense of a “paranormal” effect. For the release information in the footer area, a simpler, lighter font was used, and for the sake of consistency with the rest of the layout, we adjusted the leading, vertical and horizontal scale.



Title: Quantification of Internet in Greece


Professor: Fernando Bermejo Acosta, Programme Director, Media Cloud, Center for Civic Media, MIT. Faculty Associate, Berkman Klein Center, Harvard University


Date of Execution: June 2018 (Term 3)

The purpose of this assignment was to provide a brief and visually appealing quantification of the Internet in each student’s home country – in my case, Greece. This quantification had to include as many dimensions as possible and references to the respective data source used; the presentation had to be visually appealing, while an important part of the document was the proper citation of relevant sources of information.

The main concerns for creating the document were finding and selecting data from the right sources, and deciding on the layout in terms of color, font, and arrangement of elements. In regards to the first case, the sources used were mainly European and international to provide a general overview. Only one Greek data source was used to offer detailed information about the profile and habits of Greek users. The color palette was generated on Coolors, making sure that there is a balance between all four colors: two used for creating shapes (orange-blue) and the other two for illustrating information.

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